Disney’s new direct-to-consumer streaming service, Disney+ is set to launch in late 2019 and won’t be feature advertisements to begin with according to Walt Disney’s President of Advertising Sales & Sponsorships, Rita Ferro. In an interview with Beet, where she talking about Disney’s new advertising division, she has said the following about Disney+: “On the […]

With Disney’s new live action movie, Mary Poppins Returns, hitting cinemas this weekend, many fans might be waiting till it’s available for streaming at home. While this movie might be a practically perfect movie to launch Disney’s new streaming service, Disney+ with, Mary Poppins Returns will be heading to Netflix first. This is the last […]

To celebrate the first day of winter, Disney have released a brand new poster for their new DisneyNature movie, “Penguins”. This new movie will be released in cinemas in the United States on Earth Day, which is April 17th 2019. And with all new Disney movies released from 2019, these will all be going to […]

Disney have had some huge success at the box office this year, with movies like Marvel’s Infinity War, Incredibles 2 and Ralph Breaks The Internet, but Disney have drawn criticism for doing lots of sequels and remakes. However Disney’s film producer Sean Bailey recently spoke with the Hollywood Reporter about some of the upcoming original movies […]

There are many questions about Disney’s new streaming service, Disney+ and with the new platform due to launch in late 2019, the Hollywood Reporter spoke with Disney’s direct-to-consumer and international division chairman, Kevin Mayer. During the interview, Kevin talked about the purchase of 21st Century Fox and discussed some aspects regarding Disney+ including app design, […]

With Disney set to release a remake of its classic animated movie, “The Lion King” in cinemas in the summer of 2019, Disney+ is also getting its own animated classic live action remake, based on the “Lady and the Tramp.” The movie is being directed by Charlie Bean and will see Tessa Thompson and Justin […]

This week sees the release of a new book called “29 Dates” by the New York Times‘ bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz, Disney have won a bidding war to the rights to turn the young fiction novel into a new movie for Disney’s new streaming service, Disney+. The project is going to be created […]

With Christmas almost upon us, when we sit down and watch movies with our friends and family.  Disney have a massive back catalog of movies and many of them aren’t based on Christmas, but have become part of my Christmas traditions.  So I wanted to take a look at some of the big Disney family […]

Back in November, Disney CEO Bob Iger announced that the new streaming service, Disney+, would launch in the US in late 2019 and would follow in other countries later on.  Now we’ve had a little more information on how Disney+ is being catered to different audiences as Kevin Mayer, who is Chairman of Direct-to-Consumer and International […]

A new cast member for the upcoming Disney+ exclusive adventure movie, Togo, has been revealed by the Hollywood Reporter.  Thorbjorn Harr is joining the cast of Ericson Core’s movie, which also stars Willem Dafoe. Togo is currently in production and is being filmed in Canada.  Filming is scheduled to end in February 2019. The movie […]

In this What’s On Disney Plus Podcast episode, Roger and James discuss all of this weeks Disney+ news including possible revivals of Lizzie McGuire and Sister Act, plus for this weeks topic of the show, is Disney+ a Netflix Killer. You can watch the video above: Or you can listen to an audio version below: […]

It’s been over 15 years since the Lizzie McGuire movie was released and it looks like Disney is looking into bringing back the popular Disney Channel character. Entertainment Weekly recently spoke with actress Hillary Duff at Love Leo Rescue’s 1st Annual Cocktails for a Cause Fundraiser at Rolling Greens in Los Angeles, who said” “There’s […]

Now December is in full swing and the big day just a couple of weeks away, this is the perfect time to sit down and enjoy some classic Disney specials, while curled up on the sofa in front of the big TV.  But this year, its not as easy for Disney fans as the new […]

Disney is once again reaching into its past for its upcoming streaming service, Disney+, as Variety is reporting that Sister Act 3 is now in development and will be exclusive to Disney+. The new movie is being written by Regina Hicks, who is an executive producer on HBO’s Insecure and by Karin Gist, who is […]