WhatsOnDisneyPlus.com is all about everything on Disney’s new streaming service, Disney+. News, Previews, Reviews, Podcast & much more on a variety of different brands including Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar and National Geographic.
You can help support us via Patreon, where we offer a variety of different tiers from $1 a month, which include access to exclusive content and much more.
For more information, visit our Patreon Page
Thank You To Our Patreon Supporters
I want to first start off with a huge thank you to everyone who reads the website, listens to our podcast or watches the videos. You’re the ones that make this all possible, and it’s your support that has allowed What’s On Disney Plus to grow into what it is today and your support is what will allow us to keep pushing forward into the future!
Over the past year, What’s On Disney Plus has continued to grow and the costs involved in doing so have also increased. Recent issues such as COPPA and COVID have shown that unfortunately, Google/YouTube ad revenue isn’t sustainable or reliable. I regularly spend 35+ hours a week working on the website, podcast, YouTube channel & social media. This is in addition to having a real-life job and family, so your support helps keep the site going.
Your support will help fund creation of our videos, articles and podcasts, by helping towards the day to day costs of the site, such as hosting fees, software licenses and much more. Plus with your additional support, it will help fund new content including articles and videos, to give us the opportunity to explore new ideas, plus also helping towards the cost of new equipment to help improve future content.
If you do not have any money to donate to the Patreon, please don’t worry. Just you watching the videos and visiting the website helps.
Club Members do gain access to exclusive content, this is bonus content produced especially for Patreon’. They also gain access to some content a little earlier than everyone else, as a little sneak peek! Plus extra behind the scenes content.
I love being able to provide you with daily Disney+ news and updates, and if you can show your support by contributing to the Patreon, your support can make a big difference.
For more information, visit our Patreon Page