The latest new original British drama series to be released by Disney is “Culprits”, an eight-episode limited series, that tells the story of what happens years after a high-stakes heist, when a group of elite criminals have gone their separate ways after a massive robbery, where they have to leave their old lives behind and […]

The latest comedy film from 20th Century Studios is “Quiz Lady”, which stars Awkwafina and Sandra Oh, as two sisters, who are total opposites, Anne is a brilliant but tightly wound, gameshow-obsessed young woman, while Jenny (Oh) has a train-wreck of a life, who is currently living out of her car. When their mother escapes […]

The fourth episode of the second season of Marvel Studios, “Loki”, has just dropped onto Disney+ around the world and continues to see Loki running around the TVA building looking for something or someone, while OB works on some bit of technology, intending to fix everything.   Over the past few weeks, everything has slowly been […]

We’ve reached the halfway point of the second season of Marvel Studios “Loki”, and business has picked up, as this episode introduces us to a brand new variant of “He Who Remains”, aka Kang, who goes by the name of Victor Timely. Who is very different to other variant versions of the character we’ve seen […]

One of the biggest tabloid news stories of the last decade has been the Wagatha Christie trial between Coleen Rooney, who is one of Britain’s most famous celebrities and wife of England’s record-scoring footballer Wayne Rooney, and Rebekah Vardy, which has become one of the UK’s highest-profile High Court defamation cases of recent years. The […]

This Friday, the thirteenth, Disney is bringing back “Goosebumps” for a whole new generation, with a brand new ten-episode live-action series, which will be released around the world on Disney+ and Hulu. The series is inspired by R.L. Stine’s worldwide bestselling book series of the same name and follows a group of five high schoolers […]

Wrexham supporters take center stage again in the third episode of season two of the hit soccer docuseries, “Welcome to Wrexham.” In the episode entitled “Nott Yet,” the show focuses on the city’s growing pride in their team as Ryan Reynold and Rob McElhenney are clearly making an effort to turn Wrexham into a winner. […]

Loki is back at the TVA on a mission to try to stop whichever variants of Kang are coming following Sylvie’s decision to prune He Who Remains in the season two premiere of the Disney+ Original Series, “Loki.” Loki is time slipping and that gives him a chance to save himself and Mobius before both […]

Ahsoka, Sabine and Ezra join together to try to track down Thrawn before he escapes in the season finale of “Star Wars: Ahsoka.” Morgan Elsbeth takes her place among the Nightsisters and is granted the Blade of Tanzin. And an army of Nighttroopers is created to assist in the latest battle between the Light and […]

One of the many advantages Disney+ has given Disney, is the ability to experiment a little more and with that, we’ve seen a number of short experimental programs launch across the streaming platform, including “Short Circuit” from Disney Animation and “Sparkshorts” from Pixar.  While the live-action division of Walt Disney Studios released “Launchpad”, and a […]

As Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger are reunited, Grand Admiral Thrawn has come up with a plan to distract the pair of them and Ahsoka Tano while he work on his own evil scheme in the latest episode of the Lucasfilm and Disney+ Originals Series, “Star Wars: Ahsoka.” A Senate panel for the New Republic […]