In January, Marvel Animation is releasing a brand new animated series called, “Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man” on Disney+.   The upcoming series follows Peter Parker on his way to becoming a hero, with a journey unlike what we’ve seen before and a style that celebrates the character’s earliest comic book roots. In this new comic book […]

Marvel has developed multiple animated series for Disney+, including “Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man”, which follows Peter Parker on his way to becoming Spider-Man in the MCU, starting with his freshman year of high school of course. Peter’s journey in the series will be unlike we’ve ever seen and a style that celebrates the character’s early […]

Earlier this week, Tom Holland revealed on the “Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon” that he would be returning to play Spider-Man once again in a fourth film in the franchise and production is set to begin next year. Today, Sony and Marvel have announced that an untitled “Spider-Man” film will be coming to cinemas on […]

Over the past few weeks, while out promoting his new non-alcoholic beer, Bero. Tom Holland has been dropping small hints about his return as Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man, having previously said he had read the script for the upcoming film, but on Tuesday’s Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Tom Holland finally confirmed that a fourth […]

Recently, Tom Holland revealed that he had recently read an early script for the upcoming fourth “Spider-Man” film, but it’s been revealed that he will be suiting back into the role for the upcoming Avengers movies, “Doomsday” and “Secret Wars”. Marvel’s “Avengers: Doomsday” is set to begin filming in the spring and will be directed […]

It’s been a few years since we last saw Tom Holland suit up as your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man in “No Way Home”, where we got to see a multiverse adventure involving Doctor Strange and alternative versions of “Spider-Man” taking on a rogue’s gallery of classic Spidey villains. Since then, neither Sony nor Marvel have confirmed […]

There has been much speculation about the next Spider-Man movie following the success of Tom Holland’s trilogy, which includes “Homecoming,” “Far From Home,” and “No Way Home.” According to Deadline, Destin Daniel Cretton is in early talks to direct the next instalment in the franchise; though it’s important to note that no deal has been […]

One of the many projects Marvel has been working on is a new animated series called “Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man”, which was originally announced back on Disney+ Day in 2021, though it was called “Spider-Man: Freshman Year”. The series follows Peter Parker on his way to becoming Spider-Man in the MCU, with a journey unlike […]

After much speculation, today, as part of this week’s Upfront event, Amazon Prime Video & MGM+ have announced a brand new live-action series, which is based on the Marvel comic “Spider-Man Noir”. The new series will star Academy Award-winning actor Nicolas Cage (Pig, Dream Scenario) in the title role. It is a story about an […]

There have been reports of a “Spider-Man 4” being in development by Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures since the success of “Spider-Man: No Way Home”,  but nothing has been officially announced. This past weekend, Tom Holland participated in the third annual Sands International Film Festival in St Andrews, Scotland. He attended the first screening of […]

Back at 2021’s Disney+ Day, Marvel announced a new animated series called “Spider-Man: Freshman Year.” The series follows Peter Parker on his way to becoming Spider-Man in the MCU, with a journey unlike any we’ve ever seen and a style that celebrates the character’s early comic book roots. Jeff Trammel is writing and executive producing […]