Whether we realize it or not, music has a way of sticking with us. Many of us can hum the theme songs of Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, or The Avengers without giving it much thought, and we often associate music with our own personal memories or feelings. Since Disney+ launched last November, we […]

The release of ‘Hamilton’ on Disney Plus and, more recently, the Stories Matter initiative, which have seen Disney add many cautionary warnings to classic Disney movies, that have sparked a lot of conversation around issues of representation and race. Historian Gabriel Greaves (graduate, Kennesaw State University) and writer Josh Shepherd dialogue about why the inclusion […]

Each week, I answer questions from our Patreons/YouTube Channel Members and this week, questions included: Could Disney purchase more library content? Could Disney buy a cinema chain? When is the Investor’s day? Why won’t Disney launch Star in the US? Will there be more animated shows? Is a new X-Men animated series coming soon? Who […]

The magic of Disney has again proved unbeatable, as new research has revealed that Disney is officially the best at children’s book-to-film adaptations, with the top 4 adaptations produced by Disney and available on Disney+. The team at PoundToy have looked at over 100 of the best-loved children’s page-to-screen adaptations, reviewing their performance based on […]

Earlier this week, it was announced that next March’s Disney movie Raya and the Last Dragon had been recast with a new lead voice. Some 13 months after Cassie Steele and Awkwafina were announced as the stars of the flick at D23 Expo, Star Wars saga actress Kelly Marie Tran was announced as Steele’s replacement. […]

In this Q&A video: I answer the following questions from Patreon/Youtube Members: What are your guesses for when She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight will hit Disney+ and do you think it will come out sooner than the other Star Wars series? Where do you think Disney Plus will lunch next after Indonesia, the rest […]

In recent weeks, protests have erupted across the U.S.—and even spread globally. Tensions were sparked by the killings of Ahmad Arbery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, George Floyd in Minnesota, and other lives since (now including several law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty). All these tragic cases, with investigations still in […]

May is coming to an end this weekend, but the lockdown continues for many of us, meaning we are spending much more time at home watching TV. This week, I’ve been watching many different shows on Disney+, the main thing I’ve been working my way through is the fifth season of Marvel’s Agents of Shield, […]