Disney+ Original “Selenkay” Trailer Released
Disney has released a trailer for the upcoming Latin American Disney+ Original series, “Selenkay”, which tells the story of a 16-year-old girl who discovers she possesses supernatural water abilities after moving to a village, connecting with a mysterious boy despite her family’s objections, and unravelling secrets about herself and her worldview as their bond deepens.
Check out the “Selenkay” trailer below:
This eight-episode series has been directed by Martín Sabban, Joaquín Cambre and Eduardo Pinto.
It stars Gina Mastronicola (The Weirdest Girl in the World) in the role of Sofia Rivera, Manuel Ramos (Disney Interlated) in the role of Gael Phoenix, with the special participation of Monica Antonópulos (Separadas) in the role of Aurora and Carolina Kopelioff (I am Luna) in the role of Emilia.
Also starring in the series are Alejandro Paker (Pedro Rivera), María Zubiri (Iris Rivera), Julián Caballero (Lupo Rivera), Luisina Arito (Flox Rivera), Valentín Villafañe (Rafael Fénix), Francisco Vázquez (Micael Phoenix), Nahuel Pirovano (Tacu Adek), Thais Rippel (Diana Alves), Charo Bogarín (Navera Adek), Joaquín Berthold (Patrick Robinson), Gustavo Masó (H.Patrick Robinson (Micael Phoenix (Tacu Adek), Thais Rippel (Diana Alves), Charo Bogarín (Navera Adek), Joaquín Berthold (Patrick Robinson), Gustavo Masó (Tacu Adeksy Rippel (Diana Alves), Charo Bogarín (Navera Adek), Joaquín Berthold (Patrick Robinson), Gustavo Masó (Tacu Adeks Adves), Charo Bogarín (Navera Adek), Joaquín Berthold (Patrick Robinson), GustavoIntender Frank, Mario Alarcón (Lucio) and Lucía Tuero (Vicky).
“Selenkay” will be coming to Disney+ in the United States and Latin America on Wednesday 21st August 2024. It hasn’t been announced if this series will be available on Disney+ globally.
Are you looking forward to watching “Selenkay”? Let me know on social media!