What’s Left Disney+ (US) | The Wolverine
Disney has removed the 20th Century Studios Marvel movie, “The Wolverine” from Disney+ in the United States. The film is still available on Disney+ in other countries.
Unfortunately, Disney+ doesn’t advertise these removals in advance like other streaming services like Netflix or Hulu.
In Wolverine, Logan travels to Tokyo to meet Yashida, an old acquaintance who is dying. The situation regresses when Yashida offers to take away his healing abilities, but Logan refuses.
Disney had only added the film onto Disney+ in September and this continues the trend of some older movies coming to Disney+ from another streaming service, only to be removed within a short period, such as Cinderella and Maleficent.
This is due to existing contracts that hopefully will expire soon.
No return date for “The Wolverine” to Disney+ in the United States has yet been announced.
What do you think of Disney+ removing titles from its library?
its dumb
The Wolverine is an amazing movie and Disney should hopefully get it back.
I think it's total BS! We(The World!) All Know. Disney Could Purchase The Wolverine Out Right! Having said that,We also know that's Walt Disney's ideal Disney world has been bastardized since it take over of the streaming media as well as every other front. So the reason movies like The Wolverine,Malificent aren't being played per executive order( kinda like order 66) to shut out movies that don't fall in line with Disney's New World Ideal. Claiming contractual obligations and time limits. My only hope is that these films will return,As Promised. Because I Shouldn't have to bust out my dvd player when I've kinda committed to streaming. To be honest. I'm not sure I like the way this whole new world is shaping up. Maybe,I'm Just getting Old...