In early 2021, Marvel Studios released a new mini-series called “Marvel Studios Legends,” a series of recap short episodes that celebrates and codifies what has come before. In these episodes, viewers revisit the epic heroes, villains and moments from across the MCU in preparation for the highly anticipated stories still to come. Each dynamic segment […]

Disney has announced a new season of Marvel Studios “Legends” that will be coming to Disney+ on April 15th, 2024. Launched in 2021, the Disney+ Original Series “Marvel Studios Legends” explores and celebrates the epic heroes and villains of the MCU, and the moments that made them. As the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand, […]

Just ahead of the release of the new Marvel Studios film “The Marvels” in cinemas on November 10th 2023, Disney has announced that three new episodes of “Marvel Studios Legends” will be released on Disney+ on Friday, 3rd November 2023.  Expect these episodes also to be released on YouTube, as Disney has recently started releasing […]

Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren are reunited and now must work together to stop Grand Admiral Thrawn. New details emerge in the investigation into the murder of Ben Glenroy. And celebrities hit the dance floor for the latest season of “Dancing with the Stars.” Let’s take a look at what to watch this weekend on […]

Just ahead of the release of the second season of Marvel Studios “Loki” on Disney+, two new episodes of “Marvel Studios Legends” will be released on Disney+ on Friday, 29th September 2023.  Expect these episodes to also be released on YouTube, as Disney has recently started releasing previous episodes for free. Marvel Studios’ “Legends” celebrates […]

With “Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 3” arriving in cinemas next week, Disney has released eight new episodes of “Marvel Studios: Legends” on Disney+, featuring on the found family that makes up the Guardians of the Galaxy: Peter Quill, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Nebula, Drax, Mantis, and Kraglin. As the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand, Marvel […]

Today, Disney released three new episodes of Marvel Studios Legends on Disney+ featuring characters from the “Ant-Man” films, to get fans ready for the upcoming Marvel Studios film, “Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania”, which is coming to cinemas on Friday, 17th February 2023. As the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand, Marvel Studios: Legends celebrates […]

Just ahead of the release of the new Marvel Studios film, “Ant-Man And the Wasp: Quantumania”, which is coming to cinemas on Friday, 17th February 2023, Disney has announced it will be releasing three brand episode of Marvel Studios Legends on Friday, 10th February 2023, featuring characters from the “Ant-Man” films. As the Marvel Cinematic […]

Just ahead of the release of the new Marvel Studios Special Presentation, “Guardians Of The Galaxy: Holiday Special”, which is coming to Disney+ on Friday, 25th of November, Disney has announced it will be releasing a brand episode of Marvel Studios Legends on Wednesday, 23rd November 2022, that will highlight the relationship of “Guardians Of […]

Marvel is back giving fans a refresher on the two main characters in its upcoming Disney+ Original Series, “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” with “Marvel Studios Legends.” Episode 3 focuses on Falcon, also known as Sam Wilson, a former Air Force member who has a cool suit that looks similar to a falcon’s wings. This […]

Today has seen Disney add two new episodes of the Marvel Studios: Legends series, a week earlier than it originally previously announced. “Marvel Studios: Legends” serves as an exciting refresher for the various heroes and villains making their way to the highly anticipated streaming shows premiering on Disney+, setting the stage for the upcoming adventures. […]

Disney has announced four new “Marvel Studios: Legends” shorts will be coming to Disney+ on Friday 12th March. “Marvel Studios: Legends” serves as an exciting refresher for the various heroes and villains making their way to the highly anticipated streaming shows premiering on Disney+, setting the stage for the upcoming adventures. With the new Marvel […]

Today saw the release of a new Marvel short series on Disney+ called “Marvel Studios: Legends”, which is a new, ongoing series that dives into the epic heroes, villains, and moments from the MCU, and kicks off with two episodes highlighting Wanda Maximoff and Vision, the two stars of WandaVision, and their interconnected path across […]

As the first Marvel Studios television show gets ready to come to Disney+, we’re learning more about the main characters of that series in the new docuseries, “Marvel Studios Legends.” In the second episode of “Legends,” Marvel gives us a profile of Vision before his appearance in “Wandavision.” The seven minute short shows us Vision’s […]