Disney has launched a brand new series on Disney+ called “Pick of the Litter”, which is a documentary series based on the film of the same name, featuring the stories of service animals, their trainers, and their human companions.   The episode follows six loveable dogs ; Paco, Pacino, Tulane, Raffi, Amara, and Tartan as they embark on a fascinating and suspenseful quest to become Guide Dogs For the Blind, the ultimate canine career.

Now before we go any further into this review, I think it’s important to point out that when I was a teenager, we had two Guide Dog puppies, my auntie used to work for them, she also had a retired Guide Dog and we have a Guide Dog specialist hotel near me, which means I meet working Guide Dogs almost daily.  So because of this, I feel like it will skew how I view this show.

This half an hour series goes through the early stages of training, the puppy walking stage, so we get to see what is required from the families and how hard it is to get a dog through the training.  One of the interesting parts of this stage was how they showed the struggle for the family with the idea of having to say goodbye to the dog after they’ve finished their initial training.  I’m glad they showed this portion of the training, since we as a family found this part really difficult and was why we didn’t do it a third time, instead getting our own dog.

There is plenty of footage of cute and adorable puppies, which will no doubt put a smile on anyone’s face.  The families involved all seem nice and it was touching to see how the puppies were having a positive impact on them, especially those on the Autism scale.

The series is only going to be 6 episodes long, so this is going to help keep the show to a decent pace and this episode felt just about right, at 30 minutes long.  I’m looking forward to watching the rest of this series and following the training of these adorable puppies.

I enjoyed watching the episode, as it’s both informative and entertaining,  but I do think some might find it a bit safe, since it’s very fluffy, and that’s not just the dogs!  However if you love cute dogs and want to know more about Guide Dogs and the process, this series is worth checking out.

Rating – 3.5 Out Of 5

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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Roger@WhatsOnDisneyPlus.com Twitter: Twitter.com/RogPalmerUK Facebook: Facebook.com/rogpalmeruk

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