Ms. Marvel Episode 4 Review
Kamala Khan learns about her past, her heritage and her culture in the fourth episode of the Disney+ Original Series, “Ms. Marvel.” Kamala and her mother travel to Pakistan to see her grandmother and her cousins. Once there, she is intercepted by the Red Daggers, a group that is trying to stop the Djinn from breaking the world between dimensions and confuse Kamala as one of them because of her bangle and her great grandmother’s connection to the group. Eventually, she learns the ways of the Red Daggers and must fight off the Djinn. But she accidentally ends up transported to the past and a seminal moment in her family’s history.
This is the best episode of the show by far. I loved seeing Kamala learn about her heritage. It’s great when we get more diverse heroes and we see what made them who they are. She is the first Pakistani-American superhero we’ve ever had on screen. Even though her home base is New Jersey, it’s important we learn more about her Pakistani roots, so a trip to Pakistan makes perfect sense.
This also has the best fight scene, so far. That makes a lot of sense because Kamala didn’t have powers when the series started and had to learn how to use them after acquiring them. Nobody is going to be great with something immediately. Even those who have some basic training, like Captain America; or knowledge of the technology, like Iron Man; struggled early on in their careers. Kamala is only a teenager so she’s going to struggle even more than they did. But with training from the Red Daggers, she is learning how to handle the Djinn.
I also loved the time travel cliffhanger. Much like the cliffhanger at the end of episode 4 of “Moon Knight,” this is doing a great job of adjusting the tone of the series. It feels like she is going to be a proper superhero now instead of just a teenager who stumbled onto an ancient artifact.
The first three episodes did very little for me. They were well done technically, but the story didn’t grab me. This one did. I’m interested in her story arc moving forward now. It’s still my least favorite of the Disney+ Original Series from Marvel, but I’m finally on board.
Ranking: 4 stars
What did you think of this episode of “Ms. Marvel?”