Earlier this month, Disney released the final episode of the animated series, “The Ghost And Molly McGee”, which finished up its run after two seasons.

Steve Loter, who is the executive producer of the show, took to social media to point out that one of the reasons why “The Ghost And Molly McGee” was cancelled was because Disney hadn’t released the new episodes globally at the same time, resulting in a lot of people pirating the episodes, rather than waiting to watch them on Disney+.  The viewing numbers for the later episodes were considerably down on earlier releases, and also, some episodes leaked out onto the internet early.

He has also given a similar warning on social media about the future of Marvel’s “Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur”, which he is also an executive producer on, which is returning with all new episodes on Disney+ in the United States on Saturday, 3rd, February 2024.

This is the time we need our incredible #moongirlanddevildinosaur fans the most. Please tell your family, your friends, your dinosaurs, everyone to watch Feb 2nd on Disney Channel and Feb 3rd on Disney Plus. Please don’t bootleg it as that will not help the show. Thank you!

He also added:

The reality of the situation is this. We already know what to do for a 3rd season of #moongirlanddevildinosaur and it’s really, really great. We NEED more viewers to watch the premiere of MG Season Two on Feb 2nd on Disney Channel and Feb 3rd on Disney Plus to make this happen.

Currently, no release date has been announced for the second season’s release in the UK or Canada, though it has been confirmed that the second season will also be released on Disney+ in Australia and New Zealand a few weeks later, on 21st February 2024.  

When you have an executive of Disney shows specifically saying that for a show to continue, it needs to have views and to not bootleg them.  It shows how bad the situation is for creatives and executives, since their livelihoods are reliant on shows continuing and being picked up.  Having millions of views from international audiences lost to piracy simply because Disney hasn’t released a show globally highlights a growing problem within Disney.

Ultimately, global releases are vital for continuing many of the shows we love.  Making fans wait weeks or months to watch them “legally”, often with fans not knowing when they will be officially released, encourages them to go elsewhere.  In a more connected world, Disney does need to get a better grip on the situation since, ultimately, it’s just hurting itself.

Disney has proven it can do global releases for many of its Disney+ Original titles like “The Bad Batch”, “What If?” and “Percy Jackson And The Olympians”, but with many titles from the “TV” studios like Disney Branded TV, National Geographic, ABC and FX, global releases are still rare. 

With additional subtitles and dubbing, there are more issues with a global roll out of new content, but as Disney shifts away from linear, the studios drastically need to adapt.   Hopefully, things will improve but in the mean time, you can watch the first season of “Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur” on Disney+ now!

Do you think Disney needs to get better at global releases?  Let us know on social media!

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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Roger@WhatsOnDisneyPlus.com Twitter: Twitter.com/RogPalmerUK Facebook: Facebook.com/rogpalmeruk

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