Last Christmas, Disney released the second season of the hit animated Marvel series, “What If?” which follows The Watcher as he continue his journey as our guide through the vast multiverse, introducing brand new and familiar faces throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The animated anthology series questions, revisits and twists classic Marvel Cinematic moments with an incredible voice cast that includes a host of stars who reprise their iconic roles.

Following the season two finale being released, Disney released a clip from the upcoming third season, featuring the Winter Soldier and Red Guardian in a car chase in the desert.

Since then, there hasn’t been any updates on when the third season of “What If?” might be arriving on Disney+, but recently, the Marvel Studios Head of TV, Streaming, and Animation Brad Winderbaum revealed during an interview to promote the finale of “X-Men 97” that it shouldn’t be too long until “What If?” season three will be released.

What If…? Season Three is — that might be the one that comes out next, in terms of animation.  That is the culmination of a trilogy. We’re actually close to completing that one, and it really feels like you’ve gone through this amazing emotional experience with Uatu, in a way that’s… What’s great about The Watcher is that he presents himself as uncaring, and cold, and just an observer, but he cares more than everybody [and] anybody. That is on full display in that third season.”

There was a two year wait between seasons one and two of “What If?, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the wait between seasons is just as long, but Marvel does have a number of animated series to be released, including “Eyes Of Wakanda” and “Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man”, which are due to be released this year, but it’s possible that Disney is going to reshuffle the release schedule.

The previous two seasons of “What If?” are available to stream now on Disney+.    And recently, Disney announced a special one hour interactive experience would also be released on the Apple Vision Pro soon.

Roger’s POV:  I do think Brad’s comments about “What If?” feeling like a culmination of a trilogy a little odd, since one of the best things about “What If?” is that they can be completely seperate from everything else and don’t need to be interconnected.  So I’m hoping “What If?” does continue after a third season, but I can also see how the show is probably much more expensive to make due to the vocal talent involved, since they’ve been trying to use the actors from the MCU.

Are you looking forward to the return of Marvel’s “What If”?  Let me know on social media!

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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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