“Zootopia+” Character Posters Released
This week, Disney released a brand new collection of six shorts, “Zootopia+”, on Disney+, which takes us back to the fast-paced mammal metropolis of Zootopia. This new short-form series dives deeper into the lives of some of the Oscar-winning feature film’s most intriguing residents, including Fru Fru, the fashion-forward arctic shrew; ZPD dispatcher Clawhauser, the sweet-toothed cheetah; and Flash, the smiling sloth who’s full of surprises.
Disney has released six new posters, with each poster representing a single short:
The series is directed by Josie Trinidad (Co-Head of Story, “Zootopia”; Head of Story, “Ralph Breaks the Internet”) and Trent Correy (Director, “Once Upon a Snowman” and “Drop”), and produced by Nathan Curtis.
All six “Zootopia+” shorts are available to stream on Disney+ now