This Thanksgiving, Walt Disney Animation Studios is releasing its latest animated film, “Wish”, in cinemas around the world. The film is an all-new musical-comedy welcoming audiences to the magical kingdom of Rosas, where Asha, a sharp-witted idealist, makes a wish so powerful that it is answered by a cosmic force—a little ball of boundless energy called Star. Together, Asha and Star confront a most formidable foe—the ruler of Rosas, King Magnifico—to save her community and prove that when the will of one courageous human connects with the magic of the stars, wondrous things can happen.

The film features the voices of Academy Award-winning actor Ariana DeBose as Asha, Chris Pine as Magnifico, and Alan Tudyk as Asha’s favourite goat, Valentino. Also starring in the film are Angelique Cabral as Queen Amaya, Victor Garber as Asha’s grandfather, Sabino, and Natasha Rothwell as Asha’s loving and supportive mom, Sakina.

“Wish” is helmed by Osca-winning director Chris Buck (“Frozen,” “Frozen 2”) and Fawn Veerasunthorn (“Raya and the Last Dragon”), and produced by Peter Del Vecho (“Frozen,” “Frozen 2”) and Juan Pablo Reyes Lancaster Jones (“Encanto”). Jennifer Lee (“Frozen,” “Frozen 2”) executive produces—Lee and Allison Moore (“Night Sky,” “Manhunt”) are writers on the project. With original songs by Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Julia Michaels and Grammy-winning producer/songwriter/musician Benjamin Rice, plus a score by composer Dave Metzger,

When Is “Wish” Released?

“Wish” is being released exclusively in cinemas in time for Thanksgiving on November 22nd 2023.

When Will “Wish” Be On Disney+?

Disney has officially announced that “Wish” will be coming to Disney+ on Wednesday, 3rd April 2024, which is around 4 months after it was released in cinemas, making it one of the longest waits for a Disney animated film to arrive on Disney+ in years. This shows how Disney is trying to encourage more people to go see films in cinemas or purchase a film on digital platforms rather than wait for a Disney+ release.

Here’s a look comparing the “Wish” release to other recent Walt Disney Studios movies.

  • “Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny” was released after 156 days.
  • “Haunted Mansion” arrived on Disney+ after 68 days
  • “Elemental” was released on Disney+ after 89 days
  • “The Little Mermaid” splashed onto Disney+ after 103 days
  • “Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 3” blasted on Disney+ after 89 days
  • “Strange World” arrived on Disney+ after 30 days
  • “Encanto” danced its way onto Disney+ after 30 days
  • “Lightyear” dropped on Disney+ after 47 days

What Time Will “Wish” Be Released On Disney+

Disney+ updates daily at the following times:

  • Pacific Time: 00:00 AM / Midnight
  • Eastern Time: 03:00 AM
  • UK: 08:00 AM
  • Sydney, Australia – 19:00 PM

Sometimes, films can arrive a few minutes later as the servers update. The Disney+ front page usually updates about an hour later.

Are you looking forward to seeing “Wish”? Let us know on social media!



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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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