Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 708 “Together Again” Review
In this eighth episode of the final season of the Clone Wars, we get the final part of the “Martez Sisters” arc. With some excellent animation and some big action spots, this is the best episode of this arc, but without the slower paced episodes, this episode wouldn’t have been as interesting. That’s one of the great things about this show, it takes its time and I’m sure many Star Wars fans don’t take the show seriously because it’s animated, but it really does help fill out the Star Wars universe.
In this episode, we finally see where this storyline has been going, as it’s been taking it’s time getting there, but there is a great blowoff to this arc. The truth about Ahsoka’s past is finally revealed to the sisters, when she makes a deal to free the Martez sisters and soon attempts her own escape.
This episode nicely sets up the return of Darth Maul, who is revealed as the true mastermind behind the Pyke spice operation, while also connecting the series to the events of Solo: A Star Wars Story. That alone makes it worth watching.
The story arc has been a bit hit and miss in terms of quality, it does help establish the “Martez Sisters” more by fleshing out the characters, but ultimately they still feel completely irrelevant in the overall grand scheme of things. They probably could have glossed over some of their adventures in the past few episodes, as it just felt like filler.
It’s the introduction of the Mandalorian’s that make this episode more interesting, helping set up the Siege of Mandalore, which is the final chapter in this season and sets up for the end of the Clone Wars.
”Together Again” is a great episode and is the best from this chapter, with lots of action and some big key elements.
Rating – 4 out of 5