Star Wars: The Bad Batch | Season 2 Episode 4 – Disney+ Original Review
Now this is pod racing. While Hunter and Echo are on a mission, Cid recruits Tech, Wrecker and Omega to help her on a pod racing mission in the latest episode of the Disney+ Original Series, “Star Wars: The Bad Batch.” Cid has a ringer droid racing her pod but when she winds up in debt when he loses, Omega doubles down on her bet in an effort to get her free. Meanwhile, Tech jumps in as the only clone racing and finds a way to win and free Cid.
This is a filler episode of this series, but it was still one of the more fun episodes I’ve seen. While the series is appealing to adults, it doesn’t forget that it’s still primarily aimed at kids and you have to draw them in. While adults mock the pod racing scenes in “The Phantom Menace,” kids enjoyed that scene and loved playing the game on the Nintendo 64. This is the type of episode with the right subject matter to appeal to kids while still advancing the plot that the Bad Batch may have some issues with Cid down the road.
My favorite part of this episode was the interaction between Tech and TAY-o, Cid’s ringer droid. TAY-o is the most arrogant droid ever presented in the “Star Wars” universe. While K2-SO is awesomely snarky and L3-37 is either a social justice warrior or a mockery of social justice warriors depending on who decided to be offended by a genuinely funny droid representation, TAY-o is a jerk through and through. Tech is logical and deliberate making their interactions some of the best humor in the “Star Wars” canon.
While this series has been hit or miss since its inception, I’m enjoying season two a lot better than I am season one. I really enjoyed last week’s episode featuring on Crosshair. I enjoyed this week’s episode and its focus on Cid. I care more about the supporting characters with a little villainy, or a lot of villainy in Crosshair’s case, than I do most of the Bad Batch. Although, I enjoyed Tech’s turn in this episode. I’m getting more excited for this series as it goes on.
Rating: 3.5 stars
What did you think of the latest episode of “Star Wars: The Bad Batch?”