“Stan Lee” Documentary Trailer Released
Disney has released a trailer for the new documentary, “Stan Lee”, which takes a look at the life of the Marvel Comics visionary, who is the co-creator of such legendary characters as Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Black Panther, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, Thor, Silver Surfer, Ant-Man, Nick Fury, The Avengers and hundreds more. Stan sadly passed away in November 2018, but he left behind a storied legacy and some of the most iconic characters of popular culture. He also left behind a trove of personal footage and recorded recollections of his career that were never seen by the public. Until now, that is.
The documentary weaves together personal recorded footage from Lee, along with recorded recollections of his career never before seen by the public. These are accompanied by archived interview clips, newsreels, and models that immerse viewers in Lee’s world, in addition to hearing from some of his closest friends and collaborators.
Check out the trailer below:
“Stan Lee” arrives on Disney+ on Friday 16th June 2023.
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