Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell | Review
Nightmare is attacking kids in their sleep, so Dr. Strange calls on the Hulk and some of the darker members of the Marvel universe to help him protect the kids in “Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell.” Dr. Strange quickly learns that Nightmare has been manipulating Hulk to think Bruce Banner is trying to banish him, and this is helping Nightmare in his quest to break out of his own realm. That’s when Dr. Strange turns to the monsters, Vampire By Night, Zombie Agent Sitwell, Man-Thing and Warwolf to save the day in New York City while Hulk and Banner work through their issues.
This was a fun, spooky animated film that works great for Halloween. The darker Marvel characters can be a lot of fun, but not all of them can be introduced in a live action format. Yes, we’ve seen Man-Thing in the “Werewolf By Night” special presentation, but the rest of these characters have not been introduced into the MCU. We did see zombies in “What If…?,” but we didn’t see Agent Sitwell as a zombie because he was revealed to be a member of Hydra in “Captain America: Winter Soldier.” I know this isn’t part of the proper MCU like “Werewolf By Night” and “What If…?,” but it allows us to explore more characters and expansion of the universe is a wonderful thing. Hopefully we see more of these characters in the MCU proper.
The only issue I had with this movie is the voices. I know the animation division doesn’t necessarily bring in the same actors as the live action movie division, but it would’ve been great to have Benedict Cumberbatch or Mark Ruffalo along to voice Dr. Strange and Bruce Banner/Hulk, respectively. This was made in 2016, so both were part of the MCU by then. Hopefully, in more animation projects going forward, we can some continuity with the live action division. “What If…?” did this very well, overall, although there were some actors who didn’t provide the voice work. I’m hoping for more of that with animated projects.
This movie was fun. I probably won’t revisit it until next October, but I still enjoyed every second of it. I like seeing the darker Marvel characters incorporated and hope we get to see more of them in live action, but I’ll happily settle for animated continuity. There is a lot of potential here. I can’t wait to see if they blend them together going forward.
Rating: 3.5 stars
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