First Look At New Falcon In Marvel’s “Captain America: Brave New World”
On Valentine’s Day in 2025, Marvel Studios is releasing the next instalment, “Captain America: Brave New World”, which sees Anthony Mackie take to the big screen after becoming the new Captain America in the Disney+ series, “The Falcon And The Winter Soldier”.
Little is known about the plot of the upcoming film, but it’s expected to continue some of the storylines from “The Incredible Hulk” since Tim Blake Nelson is returning as The Leader, and Liz Tyler is returning as Betty, Bruce Banner’s former girlfriend. Plus, Harrison Ford is going to be taking over the role of Thaddeus ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross, who the late William Hurt previously played. It’s expected that we will see Ross finally become the Red Hulk.
In the Disney+ series, “The Falcon And The Winter Soldier”, we see Sam hand Joaquin Torres, played by Danny Ramirez, the Falcon wings, hinting that the MCU would be following the events of the comic books, which saw Joaquin take over the role of Falcon.
And it looks like in the upcoming film, we are going to be getting a brand new Falcon, as some artwork for a McDonald’s Happy Meal has been shared by X/Twitter user @UpToTask and it has given us a first look at Danny Ramirez in the new look Falcon suit.
The artwork shows how the new Falcon is similar to how Joaquin Torres appears in the comic books, but with a more modern realistic style.
Directed by Julius Onah and is being produced by Kevin Feige and Nate Moore, and executive produced by Louis D’Esposito, and Charles Newirth.
You can watch the previous “Captain America” movies and “The Falcon And The Winter Soldier” series on Disney+ now.
Are you looking forward to seeing the new Falcon in “Captain America: Brave New World”? Let us know on social media!