Disney Delays “Mulan” Again
With Coronavirus cases continuing to rise across the United States, slowing down reopening plans for theatres, Disney has announced that it has once again delayed the theatrical release of the live-action version of “Mulan”.
Originally due to be released in March, before being delayed until July 24th, it’s now currently scheduled for a cinema release on August 21st.
“While the pandemic has changed our release plans for Mulan and we will continue to be flexible as conditions require, it has not changed our belief in the power of this film and its message of hope and perseverance. Director Niki Caro and our cast and crew have created a beautiful, epic, and moving film that is everything the cinematic experience should be, and that’s where we believe it belongs – on the world stage and the big screen for audiences around the globe to enjoy together.”
Said Alan Horn, co-chairman and chief creative officer, and Alan Bergman, co-chairman, The Walt Disney Studios.
With major markets such as New York, California and China delaying reopening cinemas, it resulted in more movies leaving their summer release spots. Disney are still committed to releasing “Mulan” in cinemas, rather than releasing directly onto Premium Video On Demand, like Universal has been doing. Disney has already shifted “Artemis Fowl” and “The One & Only Ivan” from cinemas to Disney+, while pushing back multiple movies including “The Jungle Cruise”, “Black Widow” and “Soul”.
How do you feel about Disney delaying the release of “Mulan”?
I want MULAN on Disney Plus right away!
I think Disney should realize that people are dying because of this pandemic. They should either postpone until there is a vaccine, which probably will be in 2021 or put it on demand to buy. Anyone with common sense will not step into a freaking theater.
I think it is upsetting that it keeps getting pushed back instead of just letting it stream on Disney+. Disney is a huge money maker it wouldn’t hurt to release it to Disney+ and support people staying home and enjoying family safely, such as at home movie nights.
I would love to see Mulan come to On demand or Disney+. I would really love to see the movie, I would absolutely be fine paying to see it. I truly miss going to see a movie in a theater. But I will not be going to a movie theater until there is a vaccine for COVID-19.