Disney+ Battle | Frozen vs. Atlantis: The Lost Empire
It’s time once again for another Disney+ battle. This week we are comparing a film from Disney’s Experimental Age that underperformed at the box office but has a decent reputation among fans and one of, if not, the most popular musicals from Disney’s Revival. Let’s compare “Frozen” and “Atlantis: The Lost Empire.”
The main character of “Atlantis” is Milo, a scientist searching for the lost city of Atlantis. When he finds it, he inadvertently leads a greedy group of thieves there who try to steal the city’s riches. Milo must team up with the city’s people and some of the thieves who have been swayed by Milo to stop the leader of the group from destroying the city in his quest for riches. The main character of “Frozen” is Elsa, the princess with ice powers who accidentally causes a lot of winter in Arendelle. She tries to separate herself, but ends up having to save her home from the Duke of Wesselton and Hans who are trying to take over the kingdom. Both are great protagonists, but Milo does fall into the “white savior” trap, so I’m going to give the point to “Frozen.”
Frozen 1 | Atlantis: The Lost Empire 0
There are two villains in “Frozen,” Hans and the Duke of Wesselton. Hans is hoping to marry the princess so he can take over the kingdom and the Duke is helping him along the way. Hans first targets Elsa, but quickly learns he can get in the kingdom easier through Anna. He is basically every toxic man who has craved power. Meanwhile, the villain of “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” is Commander Rourke. He is the leader of a band of mercenaries who plans to ransack the ruins of Atlantis. When they discover people still live there, Rourke continues on his mission even if it will destroy the city. He is truly evil. Both are excellent villains, but I think Rourke is more evil. Point to “Atlantis: the Lost Empire.”
Frozen 1 | Atlantis: The Lost Empire 1
“Frozen” has some of the most recognizable supporting characters in the Disney canon with Olaf, Kristoff, Anna and Sven. “Atlantis” is often a forgotten film from Disney, but it’s got some great supporting characters as well. Vinny, Helga and Cookie steal every scene they are in. Plus, this may be Jim Varney’s best vocal performance to date. Which is better: the characters more people know or the characters who jump out more than the stars themselves? Personally, I hate Olaf. I think he’s more annoying than Jar Jar Binks. And, I love Jim Varney. Point to “Atlantis: The Lost Empire.”
Frozen 1 | Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2
This category is 100 percent unfair between these two films. One is an immensely popular musical that helped usher in the Disney Revival. The other is film that was literally marketed around the idea of “less music, more explosions.” The music in “Frozen” is better. Point to “Frozen.”
Frozen 2 | Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2
While this category is subjective, one of these films is more memorable than the other. “Frozen” has become a popular meme over the years with “Let It Go” become a chart smasher. Many kids still dress up as Elsa, Anna or Olaf for Halloween. As annoying as I find Olaf, there are plenty of others who find him charming. Meanwhile, “Atlantis” has mostly been forgotten to time. While I think “Atlantis” is actually the better movie, “Frozen” is the more memorable movie.
Frozen 3 | Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2