Disney have released the first teaser trailer for the upcoming animated classic Frozen 2, which comes to US cinemas on November 22nd 2019 and will follow next year on Disney+. The movie has been created by Academy Award-winning directors Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck, and producer Peter Del Vecho—and featuring the voices of Idina Menzel, […]

Recently I’ve shared some of my top movies that should be on Disney+ this time next year, including Disney movies, shows and family friendly movies. But there is one more collection of movies I’d like to see available on Disney’s new streaming service, 20th Century Fox. There is a massive back-catalog of movies in the Fox […]

There are many questions about Disney’s new streaming service, Disney+ and with the new platform due to launch in late 2019, the Hollywood Reporter spoke with Disney’s direct-to-consumer and international division chairman, Kevin Mayer. During the interview, Kevin talked about the purchase of 21st Century Fox and discussed some aspects regarding Disney+ including app design, […]

Recently I wrote an article about the one DisneyLife mistake Disney+ needs to learn from, which was the lack of access to the app through devices like Smart TV’s and Video Game Consoles, but there are some things that the first Disney streaming service could teach Disney+.   1) Quicker Releases DisneyLife has an incredible […]

With Christmas almost upon us, when we sit down and watch movies with our friends and family.  Disney have a massive back catalog of movies and many of them aren’t based on Christmas, but have become part of my Christmas traditions.  So I wanted to take a look at some of the big Disney family […]

As streaming movies has become more popular and easily available, there has been pressure from studios and customers, to make movies available quicker to fans at home.  However, unsurprisingly there is push back from cinemas, who want customers to come to their theatres, rather than staying at home and watching from the comfort of their […]

Now December is in full swing and the big day just a couple of weeks away, this is the perfect time to sit down and enjoy some classic Disney specials, while curled up on the sofa in front of the big TV.  But this year, its not as easy for Disney fans as the new […]

With Disney+ not set to launch until 2019, it might be a while until we see what the app for this streaming service looks like.  Recently I came across a Disney+ Design Concept project by Greg Dubois, who is a Product Designer and Graphic Designer. This concept of a Disney+ isn’t official but I thought […]

Back in 2015, Disney launched a new streaming service called DisneyLife in a number of different countries including the U.K, Ireland and in Asian countries, but when Disney announcing a new streaming service, Disney+, which set to launch in late 2019, one question instantly came up from DisneyLife subscribers, what’s happening to DisneyLife? With Disney+ […]

Each December, many of us curl up on the sofa in front of the fireplace to watch classic Disney movies and with Disney’s new streaming service, Disney+, set to launch in late 2019, I wanted to take a look at my top 10 movies I want to see added onto the platform for next year. […]

Recently ABC confirmed that Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” has been given a Season 7 order by ABC President Channing Dungey. This is in addition to a sixth Season of the show, which is set to return to ABC in 2019, with a shorter 13 episode run and was originally held back for the summer. It’s […]

With Disney+ set to launch in late 2019, one of the most important aspects of a successful streaming service is letting subscribers have the easiest way of accessing content.  The more devices that Disney+ is available on, the more people will subscribe.  There are many different devices to watch streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, Hulu […]

After Bob Iger recently revealed the first details on Disney’s new streaming service, Disney+, it was very apparent that the upcoming purchase of 21st Century Fox is going to have an impact on what content is available on Disney+. Especially when it comes to the National Geographic brand, since the logo is standing alongside other […]

What better way to spend time with your family and kick back with some left over Turkey, than chilling out and watching some classic Disney movies and TV shows.  While we still have to wait until late 2019 for the launch of Disney+, I wanted to take a look at Disney’s vault of movies and […]

During today’s live audio webcast of Disney’s fiscal full year and fourth quarter 2018 financial results, Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger revealed the service’s name of the Walt Disney Company’s new direct-to-consumer streaming service, which will be called Disney+. The new streaming platform will feature exclusive content, including new shows based on High School […]