One Mistake DisneyLife Made That Disney+ Needs To Learn From
With Disney+ set to launch in late 2019, one of the most important aspects of a successful streaming service is letting subscribers have the easiest way of accessing content. The more devices that Disney+ is available on, the more people will subscribe. There are many different devices to watch streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and the WWE Network on, such as tablets, phones, video game consoles, smart TV’s and on the web.
But while it might seem obvious for Disney+ to be available on these devices, however it didn’t quite work like that for Disney’s first streaming service, DisneyLife, which launched in many countries around the world including China, United Kingdom, Ireland and the Philippines.
DisneyLife was mainly focused on tablets and phones, so was available to a wide variety of Android and IOS devices, which is great for people wanting to watch content in their hands and is perfect for little ones. They even had an option to download movies and shows to devices, for when your away from WiFi, making it a great companion for being on the road or on holiday.
But when it comes to watching on the big screen, DisneyLife really missed the mark and is one of my biggest problems with the streaming service, DisneyLife.
There could be a few reasons for this, but Disney+ must not make the same error. As watching shows and Movies on your TV shouldn’t be as hard as it is on DisneyLife.
Watching Disney+ shouldn’t require a chart like DisneyLife requires.
First up, DisneyLife isn’t available on video game consoles like the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. With over a 100 million game consoles sat under people’s TV’s, this is a huge missed opportunity. Both ESPN+ and Hulu are available on the Xbox One and PS4, so I’m really hoping Disney+ follows suit. I was using consoles to watch platforms like Netflix since the previous games console generation on the Wii. So it was extremely frustrating to have multiple devices under my TV, unable to be used for DisneyLife.
DisneyLife has also dropped the ball on not being available natively on Smart TV’s, which have continued to gain popularity, reducing the need for USB sticks like Amazon, Chromecast etc.
With my Smart TV, PS4 and Xbox One all unable to receive DisneyLife, I had to buy a Amazon Fire Stick just to watch DisneyLife. Which isn’t ideal since I have to climb in behind the TV to plug in my Amazon Fire Stick to watch DisneyLife. This is beyond ideal, most average users would not purchase a device to watch a single streaming service.
There are many issues with DisneyLife, which I’m going to go further into in future articles, but the biggest problem is the lack of accessibility to it. If you only watch content on a tablet, it’s great, but on the big screen, they messed up.
Disney seem to have understood this better with ESPN+ and Hulu, it’s available on more devices than DisneyLife. So Disney+ has a better chance of not following this mistake.
What mistakes has DisneyLife made?
Note – No official details on what devices will be supported by Disney+ have been announced at the time of writing this article.