When Will Aladdin Come To Disney+ ?
This week Disney’s new live action version of Aladdin has hit cinemas across the globe and if your waiting to see the movie on Disney+, you might be wondering when it will be available.
The good news is that the movie has been confirmed to be available on Disney+ within the first year of it launching. Which kicks off on November 12th in the US.
Currently we don’t have official confirmation of exactly when Aladdin will be available on Disney+, but taking a look at this years previously released movies does give us a bit of a guideline:
- Dumbo and Captain Marvel were both released in cinemas in March 2019 and will be available on Disney+ at launch on November 12th.
- Avengers: Endgame has been announced as a Disney+ release on December 11th.
Which roughly work out to be about 8 months from their original cinema release and with Aladdin being released around 4 weeks after Endgame, a early January 2020 release on Disney+ seems likely.
But Disney might be tempted to use Aladdin as a new movie for the Christmas period to help pull in subscribers and keep its new subscribers engaged. It would also help shorten the release schedule down to the more traditional 6 to 7 month window that we’ve been used to on Netflix.
We also know Disney is trying to keep to the traditional release window it’s been using for years, with the movies being released on home video formats like Blu-Ray first. But Disney CEO Bob Iger has said on many occasions that this release window will be changed on a title by title basis, depending on if its beneficial to release if on Disney+ earlier.
When do you think Aladdin will be on Disney+ ?