The seventh and final season of the animated series, “Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ is coming to Disney+ with 12 new episodes, which will be dropping weekly from Friday February 21st.

And to get Star Wars fans caught up, Disney+ has released a list of 20 episodes of the show, to enable you to catch up with all the most important and best episodes from the previous six seasons, all of which are available to stream on Disney+ right now.

So if you haven’t seen the previous seasons or just want to refresh your mind before the new season arrives, here is the 20 most essential episodes of “The Clone Wars”

  • 1×01: Ambush
  • 1×05: Rookies
  • 2×05: Landing at Point Rain
  • 2×06: Weapons Factory
  • 2×07: Legacy of Terror
  • 2×08: Brain Invaders
  • 2×12: The Mandalore Plot
  • 2×13: Voyage of Temptation
  • 3×02: Arc Troopers
  • 4×21: Brothers
  • 4×22: Revenge
  • 5×06: The Gathering
  • 5×01: Revival
  • 5×14: Eminence
  • 5×15: Shades of Reason
  • 5×16: The Lawless
  • 5×17: Sabotage
  • 5×18: The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
  • 5×19: To Catch a Jedi
  • 5×20: The Wrong Jedi


Do you agree with this list?  Are there any other episodes you’d suggest people watch before the new season of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” returns?  Comment below:


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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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