Disney’s Experimental Age is an era of animation that ran from 2000 to 2008. It features a timeframe when Disney was experimenting with new animation techniques as the musicals of the Disney Renaissance were starting to produce diminishing returns. Disney recognized a need to evolve and started putting those plans into place. Part of that […]

It’s time for another Disney+ Battle. This time, we are comparing one of the most popular films from the Disney Revival, that as of this writing has been granted a live action remake, and an often forgotten film from Disney’s Experimental Age of Animation. Let’s take a look and see which is better between “Moana” […]

The Walt Disney Animation Studios has released more than 60 feature-length films since 1937. The studio has experienced ups and downs throughout its time releasing films. The timeframe between 2000 to 2009 is considered one of the weaker timeframes for Disney. It mostly contains films from Disney’s Experimental Age of Animation but does slightly cross […]

Disney’s Experimental Age of Animation ran from 1999 to 2008. During this timeframe, Disney moved away from the musical formula that had worked so well during the Renaissance of the 90s and kept trying new types of animation and storytelling. Also called the Post Renaissance, Dark Age of Animation or Second Dark Age of Animation, […]

Chicken Little thinks the sky is falling when he is hit in the head by an octagonal shaped disc, but it’s just an alien invasion in the 2005 Walt Disney Animation Studios film, “Chicken Little.” This film is meant to be a timeless tale about a son’s need to bond with his father when they […]