Pixar SparkShorts – Wind Review
Pixar’s latest SparkShort is called “Wind”, which is set in a world of magical realism and sees a grandmother and her grandson trapped deep down an endless chasm, scavenging debris that surrounds them to realize their dream of escaping to a better life.
“Wind” could have been popped in front of a cinematic release like Onward or Coco, it’s perfectly acceptable to a mass audience, since the short looks like a traditional Pixar product, but after some fantastic SparkShorts like Kitbull and Purl, this feels rather safe.
It has a tear jerking ending and there isn’t a single word spoken throughout the short, allowing the visuals to tell the story. It works perfectly, though it brings up some questions as to how they got there and what’s happened to Earth to cause this huge hole in the ground.
One thing that instantly came to mind after watching “Wind”, was how it felt like a retelling of a similar scene from Pixar’s Inside Out, where Joy and Bing Bong need to use the rocket wagon to escape, with Bing Bong sacrificing himself to make sure Joy escaped. This short is almost identical, it’s a touching last scene when we see the grandson desperately pulling up the rope, hoping his grandmother is on the other end.
”Wind” is worth watching and is an easy recommendation for anyone with a Disney+ subscription, it’s charming and enjoyable for the whole family, but it didn’t feel like it pushed any boundaries and felt very average, but that’s Pixar’s average, which means it’s still a high quality product, with great storytelling and fantastic visuals. It just didn’t excite me at all.
Rating 3 Stars
You just didn’t get the symbolism. This was about immigrating to a new country for a better life and having to leave your family behind, and the pain that is associated with that. We wish we could take our families with us, but sometimes all they can do is help us reach a better life while sacrificing themselves.
You are 100%, I didn't get the symbolism. I decided with this review that I would watch it without watching the extras afterwards, since that changed my perspective on the short. And now I know the part about immigrating to a new country, it does make sense... but that didn't come across to me when I watched it.