ABC Signature Studios is creating a brand new series, based on the “National Treasure” franchise for Disney+, which is centred on a young heroine, Jess (Lisette Alexis), a brilliant and resourceful DREAMer who embarks on the adventure of a lifetime to uncover the truth about her family’s mysterious past and save a lost Pan-American treasure.

“National Treasure” will also star Catherine Zeta-Jones as the show’s main villain, Billie, a badass billionaire, black-market antiquities expert, and treasure hunter who lives by her own code. The series also stars Justin Bartha, Zuri Reed, Jordan Rodrigues, Antonio Cipriano, Jake Austin Walker, and Lyndon Smith.

Disney has officially revealed the name for the series, “National Treasure: Edge Of History” and also revealed that they will be hosting a panel at this month’s San Diego Comic-Con.  Series regulars Lisette Olivera, Jake Austin Walker, Antonio Cipriano, Jordan Rodrigues, Zuri Reed, Lyndon Smith and executive producers Cormac and Marianne Wibberley gather to discuss this upcoming action-adventure series.

This new series is being executive produced by the film’s producer Jerry Bruckheimer, director Jon Turteltaub and writers Marianne and Cormac Wibberley. Along with Jonathan Littman, KristieAnne Reed and Turteltaub executive produce the series alongside Rick Muirragui, who also serves as a writer.

Hopefully, at SDCC, we might get to see the first sneak peek at the series and a potential Disney+ release window revealed.

The first two “National Treasure” films are available to watch now on Disney+

Are you looking forward to a new “National Treasure” series on Disney+?

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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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