“Love, Simon” Spin-off Series “Love, Victor” Moving From Disney+ To Hulu
Disney has announced that “Love, Victor”, the spin-off series from 20th Century Studios, “Love, Simon”, will be moving from Disney+ to Hulu.
Hulu made the announced via social media saying:
Get ready to head back to Creekwood High School. From the writers of “Love, Simon,” comes a new story about family, friendship and finding yourself. #LoveVictor is coming soon, only on Hulu.
The first season will consist of 10 half hour episodes and work is already underway on a second season by 20th Century TV studios. Love, Victor, will be coming to Hulu in June, which is also Pride month.
The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Disney thought the show featured more adult themes than it was comfortable featuring on family-focused Disney+, as the show would feature alcohol use, marital issues and sexual exploration.
Disney also feel the series will fit in with other comedies on Hulu including PEN15 and Looking for Alaska.
This isn’t the first time a show has moved from Disney+ to Hulu, as High Fidelity, was moved for the exact same reasons.
Do you agree with Love, Victor, being moved to Hulu?
A little disappointed by this but I don't blame the decision, I guess it's likely that the Love, Simon movie will end up on Hulu as well instead of Disney+. :/ What does raises more questions with this announcement is what TV-14 content and especially PG-13 content will be allowed on Disney+ and which ones go to Hulu.
Shame on Disney for moving Love, Simon / Love, Victor from Disney+ to Hulu. This is a clear manifestation of the homophobia of Disney. Shame on Disney!
Do you think Disney+ should add shows aiming for teenagers and adults such as “Runaways,” “The Mandalorian,” and “The Simpsons?”