The fourth season of the adult-animated series, “Solar Opposites”, is set to return to our screens on Monday, 14th August 2023, with the entire season arriving on Hulu in the United States and the show is also coming to Disney+ in other countries such as the UK, Australia and Canada later in the month.

“Solar Opposites” centres around a team of four aliens who are evenly split on whether Earth is awful or awesome. Korvo (Dan Stevens) and Yumyulack (Sean Giambrone) only see the pollution, crass consumerism, and human frailty while Terry (Thomas Middleditch) and Jesse (Mary Mack) love TV, junk food and fun stuff. In Season 4, we pack up the sci-fi and get normal… for a second. Then it’s back to classic Solar chaos, mayhem in the Wall, and some all-new Silvercops adventures!   The show is executive produced by Mike McMahan and Josh Bycel. The series is produced by 20th Television Animation.

This show is rated 16+ and certainly isn’t a show aimed at younger audiences, since it includes plenty of swearing and storylines that can make adults blush!    But later in the year,  Disney plans to bring Hulu content into Disney+ in the United States as part of its new one-app experience to offer more content for its subscribers.

However, during this week’s quarterly financial investors call, a slideshow was released highlighting some of the new shows and films coming to Disney+ and Hulu in the United States in the months ahead.  And right at the top of that list, we can see “Solar Opposites”, with the words Hulu and Disney+ next to it.

Now, it’s very likely that this is simply a mistake on the slideshow.  There are no other Hulu Originals listed for both platforms.    With the show season to debut next week on Hulu, Disney would have likely been more vocal about launching a more mature show on Disney+ in advance.

We’ve seen some Hulu Originals shared with Disney+ before, shows such as “The Orville” and “Love Victor”, plus films such as “Rosaline” and “Flamin’ Hot”.  So this could be a way of boosting audience numbers for the show, while also slowly drip-feeding Hulu original content onto Disney+ ahead of the eventual merger between the two platforms.  I’m sliding more with this simply being a mistake, but I guess we will find out soon!

All three previous seasons of “Solar Opposites” are available to stream now on Hulu in the US, on Star+ in Latin America and on Disney+ around the world.

Do you think “Solar Opposites” will be heading to Disney+ in the US?  Let us know on social media!



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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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