The second episode from this new Disney+ Original series, shows us the love story of two couples, Kylee and Ty get married at Walt Disney World, while Jesse and his girlfriend Alyssa, get engaged on a glacier in Alaska, while on a Disney Cruise.

Having the mix between a couple getting engaged and another getting married, works very well for this episode. It keeps it fresh and easy for the viewer to keep the two couples’ stories seperate.

I personally loved the engagement part of this episode, seeing the amount of planning Jesse has to put in (though it would be interesting to see how much Disney did for him). Having the whole family together on a cruise, then to have a over the top proposal, was fantastic. I loved Alyssa’s reaction to the complete surprise proposal. It brought a tear to my eye watching this, which seems to be a running trend of this show, as the proposal in last week’s show did the same.

Kyle and Ty’s wedding was much more run of the mill, they got married in one Grand Flordian resort and had a lovely scene in front of the castle. Where they were joined by country star Chris Janson (sorry, I don’t know who he is) and they all seemed surprised he was there. It was great to have some country music to mix up this wedding from others in the show.

This couples unique gimmick was they were doing a dance off in front of the castle, since Kylee is a professional dancer and Ty was going to have to learn to dance for this. It was very cute and having Ty, plus his Best Men, also being taught how to dance by a professional was good fun. It did remind me of a friend’s wedding, where I had to go to dance classes to perform with the couple for their first dance, which meant I had a much better connection with these guys, since I could relate to how awkward this can be, especially if you’ve never danced.

The filmmakers of this series do an amazing job of making everything look absolutely perfect, the glaciers in Alaska look stunning and seeing Cinderella’s castle lit up for the wedding, is just beautiful. This series couldn’t make getting engaged or married at a Disney resort look any better.

One big issue I have with this series is about how it doesn’t refer to how much anything costs, how much the couples have put in or if Disney has paid for everything. This might just be a cultural difference, because UK TV shows have to be more transparent and how YouTube has forced creators to be open about what is and isn’t paid for. It’s just something that bugs me throughout the whole show.

Overall, this was a lovely episode, with two great couples and Disney do an excellent job in showcasing their unique locations. It’s a glorified commercial for Disney’s Wedding business, but I still love it!

Rating 3 out of 5!

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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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