Disney+ (Re)Connect Looking For Families
At last months Investors Day event, Disney announced a new series called (Re)Connect, which is a reality series that focuses on one family with a modern-day, relatable issue that’s driving a wedge between them. Issues range from workaholic parents, overly competitive siblings, technology addiction, or a family secret that has recently been revealed.
All of these families have reached a breaking point, and it’s time for them to disconnect from their busy lives, devices, and outside influences in order to address their issues head-on. With the help of a specialized expert, each family will go on a unique journey that organically ties to the issues they are facing in order to confront the family’s dilemma.
Disney are looking for families for this new series with issues such as phone addiction, obesity, communication issues, blended families, siblings fighting, adoption integration, any issue that naturally come up as families go through life.
Families will be introduced to one of their family therapists/coaches that will take the family away from their daily lives for a week to do various activities together in order to address the issues and give the family tools to resolve the issues that have been keeping them from connecting with each other.
Shoot locations will vary per family; some will go on a trip, some will stay where they live, etc. All will stay within continental U.S.
If your interested in taking part in this series, click here.
How can my familt join disney reconnect we need it