Disney General Entertainment Begins Layoffs
Earlier today, Disney CEO Bob Iger announced it was starting the first wave of over 7000 layoffs as part of a strategic realignment of the company to make the cost-saving measures necessary for creating a more effective, coordinated and streamlined approach to Disney’s business.
Disney is looking to try to save over $5 billion dollars, with the first round of job cuts is taking place this week, with another round in April, followed by a final round of cuts coming at the beginning of the summer.
The first details on the initial wave have been revealed by Deadline, which will include the consolidation of production operations and the shutdown of the 20th Television’s Creative Acquisition department, which will be absorbed by the studio and will see Elizabeth Newman, VP of Development of the department leave the company, along with others in the department.
It has been revealed that Mark Levenstein, SVP Production for Hulu, and Jayne Bieber, SVP, Production Management & Operations for Freeform are going to be leaving the company. Carol Turner will be taking on an expanded role with Network and Platform production for scripted television across Disney Entertainment being consolidated under her.
Disney CEO Bob Iger has previously stated that he is going to be cutting back on the amount of general entertainment being made by the company, which is likely to get hit harder by the upcoming cuts, as Disney focuses more on brands and franchises, while making more curated general entertainment content.
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