Disney+ Accounts Hacked And Being Sold Online
Many Disney+ subscribers have been having issues logging into their accounts since it launched on Tuesday and one of the reasons for this is, according to ZD Net, is accounts are being hacked.
Some subscribers are saying they’ve been noticing strange names and additional profiles that have been created and added to their account.
Others have reported that usernames and passwords have been changed by hackers, so subscribers can’t login. Once this has happened, Disney+ accounts are then being sold online for as little as $5 a year. There are thousands of accounts currently available on sale on hacking forums.
Hackers are using multiple tactics to get hold of Disney+ accounts, including using username and passwords stolen from other sites and trying them on different streaming services to see if they also work on Disney+. As a general guide, it’s a good idea not to use the same password for every platform you are using. Ideally it might be a good idea to change your password to something completely unique just for Disney+.
But another way, is hackers are using email spam messages to warn subscribers that your Disney+ account has been locked or that your credit card needs to be updated in order to trick Disney+ users into handing over their username and password, or clicking on a link which will log the username and password you put into the logon screen. This is known as phishing.
If you get an email from Disney+, please check the email address is legit and if it is asking you to click on a link, close the email down and go into a web browser to login directly at DisneyPlus.com. As if you can’t login, your account might have a problem and if you can log in, there probably isn’t a problem with your account.
Disney has been blocking accounts, causing issues for users trying to login. Which require users to contact Disney’s customer service to have it resolved.
You can contact Disney at:
Telephone – 888-905-7888
Email – DisneyPlusHelp@disney.com
Please be careful if you do get emails from Disney+ so you don’t get your account hacked and please change your password to something unique.