Daniel Radcliffe Debunks Disney+ Moon Knight Rumor
Recently, it was rumored that Disney was looking to cast Harry Potter star, Daniel Radcliffe, in the role of Moon Knight in the new Disney+ series.
However, recently Daniel Radcliffe spoke with ComingSoon.net about the rumor, while promoting his new movie, Escape From Pretoria.
If I was ever to go back into a franchise, I think the bar for that script would be even higher than anything else. Before you can sign on to being in anything for multiple years, you have to be sure you’re really going to love it all the time. I’m not averse to doing any kind of franchise thing in the future again, that could be fun. But the Moon Knightrumors are untrue, I can officially debunk that one, I haven’t heard anything about it.
Daniel is no stranger to major franchises, having appeared as the main role of Harry Potter in all 8 of the movies, so he knows what it’s like to be part of something that fans love, so he will no doubt be much more selective in what roles he takes. He hasn’t ruled it out, but it’s still possible Marvel could speak to him about the role, but as of right now, it looks like this rumor has been debunked.
There have been many rumors about this series, such as it being connected to the upcoming Blade movie and even starring the most famous vampire of all time, Dracula
But could Daniel Radcliffe fit somewhere else in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Who do you think he would be suited to play? Comment below: