Be Our Chef Episode 2 “Diagnosis: Delicious” Review
Two new families are back in the kitchen trying to win a Disney cruise in the second episode of “Be Our Chef.” The Platt and Wells families have to make a healthy and delicious dessert. The inspiration for this week’s episode is “Big Hero 6,” one of the most popular films from the Disney Revival.
While we should expect a fair amount of Disney promoting itself in shows like this, it felt much less forced in this episode to me. There’s a little interaction at the beginning between the families and Baymax, the cuddly robot from “Big Hero 6” who looks a lot like the Michelin man. I don’t really need the interaction between the families and the characters from the film that inspires the episode, but I understand Disney is going to make it happen and have just accepted it as part of the show. I like the Marvel aspect of “Big Hero 6,” so Baymax is going to be more palatable for me than some others who will show up later in the season.
I enjoy the family interaction aspect of this show, especially when Mrs. Platt said her husband was the taste tester. That’s a role I can relate to in my own family. I am the taste tester and my wife and I have a similar rapport, so I really enjoyed those two on screen together. I’m also thankful none of the kids were too young this week. You could tell the family with the 4-year-old was a little hampered in the competition aspect in week 1. These kids were old enough to know what they’re doing and to be helpful for a challenge.
That comes in very handy for the advantage portion of the challenge this week, as the two kids on each side faced off in knowing the differences between fruits and vegetables. It was a fun and informative challenge, as I’m sure there are many adults who probably thought some of the fruits were vegetables. It was a close challenge this time instead of the blowout of week 1, where it felt like the one family sent the four year old to the challenge so she would be out of the way while her dad and older sister took care of the cooking. Of course, this week both families sent both of their kids to the challenge table. Were they getting them out of the way or did the parents just think the kids would do better at the challenge? I don’t know. I’m enjoying the challenge portion as it reminds me of Double Dare when a team would have to do a physical challenge if they were double dared and didn’t know the answer to a question. The nostalgia from this portion is fun for me. Although, the family that has won the challenge each week has lot the week’s competition so maybe it’s not really an advantage to win.
Week 1, the families tackled breakfast food. Week 2, the families tackled dessert. I love they are taking on different aspects of meals each week and want to see that continue. I’m assuming this is training for the finale and the two families that make it that far will have to make a 3 course meal. Each week the food has looked delicious and I’ve wanted to try each concoction.
If I have one true complaint, the host doesn’t feel right. Angela Kinsey doesn’t feel like she fits the motif. It feels like they hired her for her fame from the American version of “The Office,” hoping it might draw in more viewers this way. It’s only been two episodes, so I’m hopeful she will improve as this is definitely outside her comfort zone. Of course, as a huge Muppets fan, I may only be happy if the Swedish Chef shows up.
Overall, the show is delivering what it needs. It’s a bit fluffy, but not a bad way to spend 25 minutes, especially if you have young kids that you’d like to get into cooking. The appearance of Disney characters will draw them in and the hope is to keep them there.
Episode: 4 stars out of 5
Series: 4 stars out of 5
What did you think of this week’s episode of “Be Our Chef?”
I feel like Angela Kinsey is a great fit as host. She is a big family person and has a YouTube channel with her husband called “Baking With Josh & Ange” where they show how they make so many different delicious foods.