Writer’s Union & Studios To Resume Talks Next Week
After almost a month since the studios and Writer’s Guild Of America met to discuss the ongoing writer’s strike, when the CEOs laid out reasons why the writers couldn’t have everything they were demanding, the two sides are set to get back around the negotiating table.
Over the past couple of weeks, there have been lots of reports of conflict within the studios over how long the strikes are lasting and a desire to get back to work, especially in order to save the winter TV season. Many executives have been speaking out about wanting to get a deal sorted, since they are losing money by having production shut down.
One of the other big issues is that both sides have said they are waiting on the other side, since the studios have said they’ve not had an official counteroffer, while the WGA said it was the other way around.
The good news is that both sides have announced that the two parties are “working to schedule a meeting next week.
The AMPTP has released a statement confirming they will be meeting next week to restart negotiations:
On Wednesday, September 13, the WGA reached out to the AMPTP and asked for a meeting to move negotiations forward. We have agreed and are working to schedule a meeting next week. Every member company of the AMPTP is committed and eager to reach a fair deal, and to working together with the WGA to end the strike.
The Writer’s Guild Of America has also confirmed that they are in contact with the studios about getting back together.
Dear Members,
The WGA and AMPTP are in the process of scheduling a time to get back in the room.
In solidarity,
WGA Negotiating Committee
Hopefully, the two sides can finally come together and get a deal sorted, so the writers can return to work and developing new shows and films for us to enjoy, while also getting better conditions and pay.
Do you think a deal will be reached next week? Let us know on social media!