This November, Walt Disney Animation Studios’ is releasing a brand new original action-packed adventure, called “Strange World” that introduces a legendary family of explorers, the Clades, as they attempt to navigate an uncharted, treacherous land alongside a motley crew that includes a mischievous blob, a three-legged dog and a slew of ravenous creatures.

When Is “Strange World” Released?

“Strange World” is being released exclusively in cinemas on 23rd November 2022, before it will be released on Disney+ and digital formats, followed by physical home video formats like DVD/Blu-Ray/4K at a later date.

When Will “Strange World” Be On Disney+?

Disney has confirmed that “Strange World” will follow a similar release schedule to “Encanto” and will arrive on Disney+ just over 30 days after its theatrical release, dropping onto Disney+ on Friday, 23rd December 2022.

Is “Strange World” Coming To Disney+ Premier Access?

Disney has confirmed that following the release of “Jungle Cruise”, it won’t be using Disney+ Premier Access, instead offering selected movies exclusively in cinemas first.

What Time Will “Strange World” Be Released On Disney+

Disney+ updates daily at the following times:

  • Pacific Time: 00:00 AM / Midnight
  • Eastern Time: 03:00 AM
  • UK: 08:00 AM
  • Sydney, Australia – 19:00 PM

Sometimes content can arrive a few minutes later as the servers update. The Disney+ front page usually updates about an hour later.

Is “Strange World” on Netflix?

“Strange World” is created by Walt Disney Animation Studios, and Disney doesn’t license out its new films to other streaming services. So it won’t be available on any other streaming services like Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon or Hulu.

Are you looking forward to watching “Strange World”?

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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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