What’s New On Disney+ | Bleach : Thousand-Year Blood War, Part 2 – The Separation (AU/NZ/CA/UK/IE)
It’s Saturday, and time to take a look at what’s been added onto Disney+ around the world and on Hulu in the United States, which includes the return of “Bleach”.
Here’s the rundown:
Bleach : Thousand-Year Blood War, Part 2 – The Separation – New Episode
Ichigo Kurosaki and Uryu Ishida found out about the complicated origins of their powers at the end of Part 1. They will now diverge into different paths and go from lifelong friends to mortal enemies.
In this new episode called “Peace From Shadows”, Yhwach sets his plan to end the world in nine days in motion.
Revenant (S1, New Episode)
The Revenant is about a young woman possessed by demons. Mysterious deaths are happening around the young woman. The folklore professor can see the demons. He recognizes them as the same demons that killed his mother in childhood.
Will you be checking out the return of “Bleach” this weekend? Let us know on social media!