What’s Coming To Disney+ | The Muppets Mayhem (US)
It’s the start of a brand new week and time to take a look at what’s coming to Disney+ in the United States this week, which includes a brand new original film and an all-new series starring the Muppets.
Here’s the rundown:
Note: This list is subject to change
Tuesday, 9th May 2023
A Small Light – Episode 3 & 4
Laws against Jews are intensifying, landing two small children in Miep and Jan’s care, strengthening Jan’s ties to the resistance and bringing up Miep’s issues with her past abandonment.
Wednesday, 10th May 2023
The Muppets Mayhem
“The Muppets Mayhem” follows The Electric Mayhem Band — Dr. Teeth on vocals and keyboards, Animal on drums, Floyd Pepper on vocals and bass, Janice on vocals and lead guitar, Zoot on saxophone and Lips on trumpet — on an epic, music-filled journey to record their first-ever studio album. With the help of a driven young music executive, Nora Singh (Singh), the old-school Muppet band comes face-to-face with the current day music scene as they try to finally record their first studio album.
Life Below Zero (S20)
When bears, wolves and foxes are your only neighbours, life can be pretty lonely. Add minus-60-degree days and a constant battle for the most basic necessities, and you have the daily challenges of people who live in remote corners of Alaska. This series takes viewers deep into an Alaskan winter to meet tough, resilient residents as they try to stay one step ahead of storms and man-eating beasts to survive the season. When the closest neighbour is more than 300 miles away, these Alaskans subsist solely on what is hunted and foraged. They catch fish for currency in bartering for supplies, or use their packs of sled dogs for transportation. Also highlighted is a time of year not always part of what viewers see in Alaska: spring! Ice is breaking, animals are waking, and residents face new tests before deep cold returns.
Secrets of the Zoo: Tampa (S4)
“Secrets of the Zoo: Tampa” is back for more wild adventures in the Sunshine State; the stellar team of vets and animal care experts at ZooTampa are devoted to an exotic cast of animals, from African elephants to Florida panthers and Cuban iguanas.
Friday, 12th May 2023
“Crater” is the story of Caleb Channing (Russell-Bailey), who was raised on a lunar mining colony and is about to be permanently relocated to an idyllic faraway planet following the death of his father (Mescudi). But before leaving, to fulfill his dad’s last wish, he and his three best friends, Dylan (Barratt), Borney (Hong) and Marcus (Boyce), and a new arrival from Earth, Addison (Grace), hijack a rover for one final adventure on a journey to explore a mysterious crater.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
A young Peter Parker/Spider-Man, begins to navigate his newfound identity as the web-slinging super hero. Peter returns home, where he lives with his Aunt May, under the watchful eye of his new mentor Tony Stark. Peter tries to fall back into his normal daily routine, but when the Vulture emerges as a new villain, everything that Peter holds most important will be threatened.
Venom (2018)
Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) is a broken man after he loses everything, including his job and fiancée. Just when his life is at its lowest, he becomes host to an alien symbiote which results in extraordinary superpowers – transforming him into Venom. Will these powers be enough for this new lethal protector to defeat great evil forces, especially against the far stronger and more weaponized symbiote rival, Riot?
What are you looking forward to watching on Disney+ this week? Let us know on social media!