The Simpsons In Plusaversary | Disney+ Review
Disney+ celebrates its second birthday with a special short featuring the Simpsons interacting with many of the other stars of Disney+ in “Plusaversary.” Homer is trying to get into the party, but his name is not on the list. But, when Goofy says he doesn’t have a plus-one, Homer says he is Goofy’s plus-one to get in. There, we see a lot of “The Simpsons” characters interacting with popular characters from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars. Ultimately, Bart breaks up the party by pretending to be Mickey Mouse and sending everyone back to work.
This is easily the weirdest thing I have ever watched on Disney+. This seems to have no real purpose other than trying to shoehorn as many characters into one six-minute short as possible to celebrate two years of existence. There are some funny moments like when Happy acts grumpy because the party isn’t fun and then has a grumpy interaction with Grumpy. But, overall this is just kinda dumb. It feels like Disney patting itself on the back for providing the service, but there’s no real reason to do that. The service has been solid but there’s plenty of room for improvement.
I usually get really excited for shorts featuring Disney’s intellectual property because it’s a fun way to keep the story of those characters going without having to commit to a TV show or movie. The “Toy Story” shorts are fun. The “Cars” shorts are reasonably funny. Mickey Mouse is the king of entertaining shorts. And, even the previous “The Simpsons” shorts have been watchable. But, this is just meh at best and blah at worst. It’s not offensive. It’s just not good.
I like that Disney had a special event for the second anniversary of Disney+. I like that they added some great movies, some nice specials, and some shorts. I also like that they added previews for some big things coming in 2022. I just don’t like this one. It feels out of place. It doesn’t tell much of a story. It doesn’t preview anything big for next year. It doesn’t introduce something new right now. I’m glad they are trying to draw attention to their service, I just hope future endeavors are better than this.
Ranking: 1.5 stars out of 5
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