Disney’s Experimental Age is an era of animation that ran from 2000 to 2008. It features a timeframe when Disney was experimenting with new animation techniques as the musicals of the Disney Renaissance were starting to produce diminishing returns. Disney recognized a need to evolve and started putting those plans into place. Part of that […]

Disney takes time to honor those who have contributed to the company’s success by recognizing them as Disney Legends. Many of these legends have worked in the television and film divisions. One of those Disney Legends is Joe Ranft who worked in animation for both the Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar. Sadly, Ranft as […]

The Walt Disney Animation Studios has taken numerous risks with the films it has released. It was once thought that a feature-length animated film would never do well at the box office. Then Disney released “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and changed the game. In 1940, Disney took on a different kind of animation […]

Disney’s Experimental Age of Animation ran from 1999 to 2008. During this timeframe, Disney moved away from the musical formula that had worked so well during the Renaissance of the 90s and kept trying new types of animation and storytelling. Also called the Post Renaissance, Dark Age of Animation or Second Dark Age of Animation, […]

The 1990s was one of the most successful times for the Walt Disney Animation Studios. The majority of the films released were part of the Disney Renaissance and most of them were box office hits. Even the ones that considered failures, still made their money back. Many people of a certain age will identify their […]