Star Wars: The Mandalorian Episode 3 – The Sin Review
The third episode of the first ever live action Star Wars series, The Mandalorian, we get to see “The Child” or as the internet is calling it, “Baby Yoda” handed over to what remains of the Empire, only for Mando to have second thoughts and go rescue “Baby Yoda”. This was yet another action pack scene that continues to push this series into a different level of anything else on Disney+.
Seeing Mando taking out Stormtroopers, in a much more lethal way, often reminding me of playing video games, as he moves from room to room, slowly eliminating the Stormtroopers. We’ve never really seen that in the Star Wars films before and was much more realistic.
Having more Mandalorian’s and their culture included in this show was very exciting, especially the end battle. I was expecting someone to make the save, which I wrongfully assumed would be Cara Dune, so was very excited to see how the Mandalorians got involved.
Again, this show continues to take its time and developing Mando’s character, through just small details, such as letting “Baby Yoda” have the knob of the lever, which did make me chuckle. Which was the exact opposite emotion I had to the scene with “Baby Yoda” screaming out to Mando when he was taken away. I also had a huge smile across my face when Mando turned off the engines to go rescue “Baby Yoda”, this was that moment when he finally stood up to become a hero, because he knew it wasn’t right. It’s a powerful moment, all done without a single facial expression.
This series is much more grounded into the basics of Star Wars, its gritty and feels more like the original trilogy, which if probably why I’m loving it so much. I’m also impressed with the action levels in each episode, I was expecting the series to have much less action than we’ve seen so far. Keeping to that idea that it’s like watching a movie, I think all the Marvel live action shows brought down my expectations of what we get to see in a TV Show. The Mandalorian is extremely high quality TV.
The director of this episode was Deborah Chow, who will be directing the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series and after watching this episode, I’ve little doubt that was the correct decision, since this was so well done.
Once again, The Mandalorian is without question the best thing on Disney+ right now. It’s out on its own above any of the other Disney+ Originals. I just can’t wait till next week for the next episode.
Rating – 4.5 Stars
What did you think of this week’s Mandalorian episode?