New German Disney+ Documentary “Farm Rebellion” Revealed
Disney has announced a brand new German series, “Farm Rebellion”, is going to be premiering on Disney+ in Germany on June 14th 2023.
Benedikt Bösel was an investment banker, but then the financial crisis hit and with it the question of meaning. Today, he is a farmer, a visionary and leads a young team that is testing a radical new type of agriculture in the fight against climate change.
Benedikt took over the farm from his family in 2016. He grew up in western Germany. As a child, he spent his vacations in Madlitz, in nature. After some service with the mountain troops, he studied business finance at the University of Durham, and went into investment banking. After earning a master’s degree in agricultural economics at Humboldt University, he then worked in real estate and venture capital, before fully committing to farm life.
Benedikt now works passionately towards regenerative organic agriculture, trying to find solutions for the challenging conditions caused by the increasingly unpredictable and erratic climate. In 2022, Benedikt was named Farmer of the Year in Germany by the Federal Minister of Agriculture.
This documentary series consists of six episodes. No international release has been confirmed, but it’s likely that “Farm Rebellion” will be released globally as a Star Original on Disney+ and Star+ in Latin America, similar to “Sam – A Saxon”, which was the first German Disney+ Original.
“Farm Rebellion” is the latest international original to be coming to Disney+. Disney is creating original content around the world for its streaming services, to appeal to both a local and global audience, but also to appeal to local government quota systems.
Are you interested in watching “Farm Rebellion”? Let us know on social media!