“Love, Victor” Season 3 | Disney+ Original Review
The third season of “Love, Victor” is coming soon to Disney+ and picks straight up after the cliffhanger from season two, revealing who Victor ran to, which sets up the main focus for this final season. As Victor learns to be comfortable with his sexuality, and while he makes some mistakes along the way, he learns some valuable lessons along the way.
In this third season, as with previous seasons, the primary focus is on the romantic relationships, but it’s also about letting go of those early relationships, because life doesn’t stay the same, as much as high schoolers in their final year would like. We see them grow from teenagers into adults, making important decisions about their future and being willing to let go of important things, because it’s the right thing to do.
While Victor is obviously the main focal point for this series, we also get to see the other characters’ relationships put through some tests. Not all of them will make it through, but it’s all a necessary learning curve.
One interesting side story throughout this season was the evolution of Lake, from the girl who just wanted to fit in, to a woman who isn’t worried about what other people think. We get to see her explore her own sexuality, but sadly it’s not given as much time to develop, since it just rushes through some major moments, but it’s still an important story to tell.
As with previous seasons, Felix, is still my favourite character in the show, so it was great that Pilar and Felix’s relationship is also explored in more depth throughout this season, especially the whole subplot involving Pilar’s father being so protective of her. He also has to deal with Lake’s new relationship, but as with everything in this show, most of the characters are so excepting, that it can feel a little odd. However, there are a few scenes in this series, which do show how not everyone is as accepting as this show makes out, which is important to show.
Andrew and Mia’s relationship in this series just never really gets that interesting, though I do enjoy seeing Andrew hanging out with Felix and Victor more, since it shows how much the character has evolved since the first season. But at the same time, the outcome is pretty predictable and the right choice for the characters.
When I watched the final episode, I will admit that I did feel a little sad that this is the end of the show and I’m thrilled that this series was able to have two more seasons. But realistically, most of the actors are well into their mid-twenties and having them play eighteen-year-olds was starting to look a little odd.
I really enjoyed this final season of “Love, Victor” and I feel like this is a good point to leave the characters, following Victor through college could be interesting, but I’m not sure there is much more this story can tell. They even reference that Victor is no longer communicating with Simon, which was one of the best things about the first season, but ultimately, Victor doesn’t need Simon’s advice anymore.
Overall, season three of “Love, Victor” feels the weakest of the three seasons, it’s great that the series is wrapped up properly, rather than just being cancelled, but they probably could have just added a couple more episodes to the last season and done the same thing. It’s a fun series, and it’s an easy recommendation, but this season doesn’t have the same attention-grabbing stories as the first season, and the tone of the third season is much less mature than the second season. It just didn’t quite capture my attention in the same way, but for fans of the show, I’m sure this will be a reasonable conclusion.
Rating – 3.5 Out Of 5
The third and final season of “Love, Victor” is heading to Disney+ on June 15th 2022