James Cameron Reveals Time Jump In Avatar Sequels
The first two “Avatar” films are two of the biggest box office successes of all time, and it should come as no surprise that more films are in development, with the third “Avatar” film now deep in post-production to get it ready for its release at Christmas in 2025.
Recently, during an interview with People to promote the digital re-release of multiple James Cameron films, the director revealed that they’ve already filmed some of the fourth “Avatar” film already.
“We did the capture on three and the live-action photography on three as an intermingled production with [Avatar: The Way of Water], and we even did part of movie four because our young characters are all going to have a big time jump in movie four,”
The fourth “Avatar” film is currently scheduled to be released at Christmas in 2029, and James explained how they are going to handle the time jump between the third and fourth film.
“We see them and then we go away for six years and we come back. And so the part where we come back is the part we haven’t shot yet. So we’ll start on that after three is released.”
It doesn’t look like filming on the fourth “Avatar” film is set to begin filming for a couple more years, which will make a big difference to the young actors like Jack Champion, who plays Spider, in the films. Plus, the other child actors’ voices will have matured during the years between filming the third and fourth films.
James Cameron also confirmed that Kate Winslet will return to reprise her role as Ronal and has been learning how to master the techniques she’ll need for the following films from a husband and wife shaman practice”.
“When you see her [Winslet] doing that purification ritual to try to revive Kitty in the film and some of the stuff that she’s going to do in movie three, that’s based on actual practice”.
You can watch both “Avatar” and “Avatar: The Way Of Water” on Disney+ now.
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