Disney+ Korean Drama “Crash” Teaser Trailer Released
Disney has released a new teaser trailer for an upcoming Korean Original drama series called “Crash”, which tells the story of a young detective Cha Yeon-Ho (Lee Min-Ki), who is transferred to the TCI (Traffic Crime Investigation) team. He has a sharp analytical mind, and has studied mathematics from the top university in Korea. He has a special ability to simulate the time of an accident, using his sharp analysis and reasoning abilities. But his traffic crime-fighting endeavours are hampered by two things – his lack of social skills and the fact that he is unable to drive a car.
Check out the “Crash” teaser trailer below:
This new original series has been directed by Park Joon-woo, who has previously directed the popular Korean series, “Taxi Driver” and “Doctor Detective”. It has been by written by Oh Soo-jin, and it also stars Lee Min-ki, Kwak Sun-young, Heo Sung-tae, Lee Ho-chul, and Moon Hee.
The first episode of “Crash” will be released on Disney+ internationally on Tuesday, 14th May 2024, with a new episode released every Tuesday and Wednesday thereafter. This Korean series, like other international originals, will also likely be released on Hulu and Hulu On Disney+ in the United States.
Are you looking forward to watching “Crash”? Let us know on social media!