Disney’s National Geographic has announced details on the upcoming fifth season of “Better Human Better Dog”, which will include some of César’s quirkiest and most severe cases yet, including a dog who is triggered by bags, a red-zone rehab for a nearly blind and deaf dog and an overexcited puppy whose parents lack leadership. This season also marks the renowned dog behaviour expert’s 20th anniversary on television.

In the new season, César Millàn takes on the toughest cases of his career. To further his mission of inspiring a new generation of dog lovers, César matches aspiring pet parents with their perfect canine companion to complete their family pack. 

The new twelve-episode season will premiere on the National Geographic channel on August 16th 2024, at 8/7, with new episodes being released each week. Previous seasons are available to stream on Disney+. However, no Disney+/Hulu release has been announced for the fifth season.

Here are the episode descriptions and premiere dates: 
  • A FIRST FOR CÉSAR – Premieres August 16 at 8pm  – César takes on an urgent red-zone rehab of an aggressively overexcited white boxer named Brunello, who gets violently triggered by all manner of bags. 
  • PICKING THE PERFECT POOCH – Premieres August 16 at 9pm – A school teacher needs César’s tutelage to help tame her hot mess of a dog, Millie. Ramona looks to find a perfect pal for her son, Roman.
  • FOIL FRENZY – Premieres August 16 at 10pm – A Shetland sheepdog herds his pet parents when they use tin foil and trash bags. César helps a family whose golden retriever charges at other dogs.
  • PROTECTION VS. AFFECTION – Premieres August 23 at 8pm  – César rehabilitates an overprotective dog who is on edge from her pet mom’s past trauma and an overexcited puppy whose parents lack leadership. 
  • LIFE SAVING MATCH – Premieres August 23 at 9pm  – César matches a dog with a new owner recovering from an accident and helps another family with a territorial fence-defending pooch.
  • EXPLOSIVE SHEPHERDS – Premieres August 23 at 10pm – César works with 4-year-old shepherds, Rain and Thunder, whose energy is too much to handle, and then looks to take the bark out of Milo’s bite.
  • DON’T BLAME THE BREED – Premieres August 30 at 8pm – A protective pet parent mistakenly trains a pit bull to target cleaning objects. César  wants to help, but the pet parent’s affection poses a hurdle.
  • ADOPTION PLAYBOOK – Premieres August 30 at 9pm  – César helps an active young couple find the perfect dog and helps a professional football coach’s rescue dog struggling with separation anxiety.
  • LOVE BITES – Premieres August 30 at 10pm  – Dilly is a chihuahua mix whose aggressive behavior towards men leaves pet mom Kim feeling isolated in her romantic pursuits.
  • RELEASE THE BEAST – Premieres September 6 at 8pm  – César helps a family regain trust in their rottweiler on house arrest, and a pet mom struggles with a social life due to her aggressive Pom-terrier.
  • THE GORILLA WITHIN – Premieres September 6 at 9pm – César helps a laid-back pet dad find his “gorilla energy” to lead his back-of-the-pack Irish setter, who has bitten three members of the family.
  • WHEN PANIC ATTACKS – Premieres September 6 at 10pm  – César helps a mom with an overprotective Great Dane mix and a couple with an overexcited dog obsessed with fetch. 

Are you looking forward to the return of “César Millàn: Better Human Better Dog”?  Let me know on social media!

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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Roger@WhatsOnDisneyPlus.com Twitter: Twitter.com/RogPalmerUK Facebook: Facebook.com/rogpalmeruk

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