The Disney Revival Era of Animation began in 2009 and represents a time when Walt Disney Animation Studios films have become more financially lucrative than during the Experimental Age of Animation in the 2000s. There is some debate if we are still in the Revival or if a new era of animation has begun. For […]

A pair of teenage basketball phenoms come of age on and off the court. The Mandalorian continues his quest while the New Republic makes the same mistakes as the Empire. And Jeremy Renner discusses his battle for survival with Diane Sawyer. Let’s take a look at what to watch this weekend on Disney+. THE CROSSOVER […]

The Bronze Age of Disney animation ran from 1970 to 1988. It is also called the Dark Age or the First Dark Age of Animation because it falls during the time following the death of Walt Disney right up until the start of the Renaissance. Most of the films released during this timeframe were made […]

Every month Disney+ adds new series and films to the service. It also adds new seasons of popular shows that are already on the service. Let’s take a look at the Top 5 Films and Series I’m excited to see each in April 2023. PETER PAN AND WENDY “Peter Pan” is the latest animated Disney […]

A high school senior helps tutor an affluent classmate, in the middle of prom season, to get help getting into her dream college. The Mandalorian continues his travels with Bo-Katan and Grogu. The Bad Batch makes a decision on Crosshair’s future. And a teenage doctor returns to hospital. Let’s take a look at what to […]

Disney takes time to honor those who have contributed to the company’s success by recognizing them as Disney Legends. Many of these legends have worked in the television and film divisions. One of those Disney Legends is Joe Ranft who worked in animation for both the Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar. Sadly, Ranft as […]

The Mandalorian has reunited with the Children of the Watch, but there are some shady things going on with the New Republic. The Bad Batch may have a new home, but the Empire is still searching for Omega as a motivation for Nala Se. And extreme footage of disasters is made into a documentary. Let’s […]

If you love dogs, there are many options currently available on Disney+ to satisfy any and all of your doggie cravings, from the classics to more modern offerings. If you are in the mood for classic Disney dog movies, there are a few versions of 101 Dalmatians to view. There is the animated original from […]

Over the years, Disney has worked with some talented musicians over the years, and many have been enshrined as “Disney Legends.” One musician who has collaborated with Disney, and especially Pixar, is Randy Newman. Newman is best known to Disney fans for writing and performing “You’ve Got A Friend In Me” for “Toy Story,” but […]

Over the years, Disney has worked with some talented musicians over the years, and many have been enshrined as “Disney Legends.” One musician who has collaborated with Disney across multiple decades is Alan Menken. Menken rose to fame working with Howard Ashman on films like “Beauty” and “The Little Mermaid.” Following Ashman’s death, Menken continued […]

A star in a high school marching band makes a bet with a basketball star. The Mandalorian and Grogu continue their mission to redeem the Mandalorian. And, a new special takes a look at the women who make up the Marvel universe. Let’s take a look at what to watch this weekend on Disney+. CHANG […]

Disney has a long history of working with actors on a repetitive basis. They work together and form bonds that lead to these actors later being recognized as Disney legends. One of the most iconic Disney collaborations is with Kurt Russell. Let’s take a look back at some of the great films and series on […]

A fossil may give a clue about a prehistoric fight between dinosaurs. Scientists reveal how many coastlines are in danger of tsunamis. The Bad Batch continues their mission to break free from the Empire. And the Mandalorian returns on a mission to redeem himself after removing his helmet. Let’s check out what to watch on […]

Every month Disney+ adds new series and films to the service. It also adds new seasons of popular shows that are already on the service. Let’s take a look at the Top 5 Films and Series I’m excited to see each in March 2023. THE MANDALORIAN The series that premiered with Disney+ remains one of […]