Way back at the Investor Day event in 2020, a brand-new animated spin-off series of the Walt Disney Animated classic, “Princess And The Frog”, called “Tiana” was announced to be in development for Disney+. This new long-form musical-comedy series features the extraordinary entrepreneur who’s now the princess of the kingdom of Maldonia. The all-new adventures […]

Way back at the Disney Investor Day in 2020, it was revealed that Walt Disney Animation Studios was developing a new animated series for Disney+ called “Tiana”, which is a followup to “The Princess And The Frog”. In the new series, Tiana sets off for a grand new adventure as the newly crowned Princess of […]

Way back at the Disney Investor Day in 2020, Walt Disney Animation Studios Chief Creative Officer Jennifer Lee announced they would be making two new series for Disney+, “Tiana”, which is a followup to “The Princess And The Frog”, and a new “Moana” show. Since then, we’ve not really had too much information about the […]

With the recent announcement that Splash Mountain will be re-themed to look more like scenes from “The Princess and The Frog” by the end of 2024 at both Disneyland and Walt Disney World, we wanted to highlight other Disney Parks attractions that have either been re-themed or created based on your favorite Disney+ titles in […]

During the Walt Disney Companies Investor Day event, it was announced by Walt Disney Animation Studios Jennifer Lee that they were making a series based on Princess Tiana from the hit animated movie, “Princess and the Frog”. Princess Tiana will be returning for all-new stories in a long-form musical comedy series and it will be […]